A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that my camera was soaked in a canyoneering incident and I wrote this blog post about getting insurance. Just as a quick follow-up, I wanted to finish telling you about my experience getting equipment replaced.
After emailing my rep at TCP, I spoke with the actual insurance company and told them the brief but nevertheless horrific story. The kind lady I spoke with filed a claim and got pricing for replacement equipment, including a discount. I ordered my new lens and camera body a couple of days ago and the insurance company sent the check yesterday. Talk about a hassle-free process. Not that I look forward to wrecking my equipment again, but it is nice knowing that I can be free to take some risks for better images and my equipment won't fall victim to it.
I did pay a $500 deductible to replace my damaged equipment and, like car insurance, my premium went up by $100 or so for the next year. After a year of no accidents, my rates will drop back down to the original amount.