With megapixels, memory cards, and file sizes growing year over year, I decided to invest in a higher speed card reader in hopes of saving some time. I settled on the new Lexar Professional Workflow HR2 Hub featuring USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt connectivity.
I chose the HR2 over the less-expensive HR1 because it features 2 additional Thunderbolt ports in back. That's important because it allows me to connect and copy 4 memory cards to 2 external hard drives using just my MacBook Pro. The maiden voyage took 84 GB to 2 external drives in under 13 minutes. This might not sound significant, but having 2 copies of all files from 4 memory cards all at once was a world of a time saver. In the past, I usually sat and waited for each card to finish before starting the next card. The HR2 let me set them to copy and then walk away for 15 minutes without watching the slow creeping bar of insanity.
My first impressions are that this is a quality product that received some serious thought and attention in its design. Not only do you have the ability to custom configure the hub to fit your needs, but each docking reader can be used as a stand alone card reader as well. In addition to card readers, Lexar now makes portable hard drives that fit within the hub (shown in top ports of image above).
I would definitely recommend this to folks that have been devoting way too much time and attention to downloading cards. Pair this with Carbon Copy Cloner and you have a match made in heaven!